What is Career Guidance?
Career Counselling is one- to- one individualised sessions that aim to help students to explore suitable career options. The Career counsellor will combine giving advice with counselling techniques that support students in making complex decisions and facing difficult situations. The focus of career counselling is generally on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues.
Possible Topics covered are as follows:
- Subject Choice
- Career Interest Discussion
- Personal Interests and Values
- Psychometric Testing
- CAO Options
- Interest Assessment
- Stress and Anxiety
- Panic Attacks
- Study Skills
Psychometric Testing
We have several psychometric tests available for students:
o The Career Motivation Analysis Profile incorporates general career themes, though also incorporates personality characteristics, motivators and reasoning abilities? Combined these elements provide job recommendations based on an individuals’ key interests, how well suited they are to the work environment and how capable they may be of coping with the intellectual demands of particular jobs. The report from this assessment provides you with suggestions for vocational exploration that are based on the assessment of your broad interest areas and personal work needs.
o The Occupational Interests Profile (OIP+) assesses eight vocational interests and five personal work needs. The vocational interests identify work areas which an individual is likely to enjoy whereas the work needs asses how well suited they are to different environments.Focussed on career exploration and choice, reports are intended to provide a basis of a discussion with a careers counsellor. In addition, the reports produce a detailed list of career suggestions based on the person’s profile with links to online careers information.